Add your business to the directory.


Join the Remarkable Weddings & Events family.

With so many fantastic partners in the region, we want to help put the spotlight on your services and drive more people to your business and the Southern Flinders area. From florists to caterers – and everything in between – we’d love for you to join our directory.

Membership Tiers Silver Pearl Gold Diamond
Annual Cost $60 $110 $240 $460
Bio 250 words 750 words 750 words 750 words
Website link
Social media links
Image gallery -
Home page feature - - -
Monthly post on social profiles - -
Monthly boosted post on social profiles - - -
Discounted rates for event planning services - - -
Priority representation at bridal expos and trade shows - - -
Quarterly marketing check ins - - -

Can’t find a package that suits your needs?

Get in touch and we can tailor a solution for you.

Contact us about adding your listing.

To find out more, simply fill in the form below and Kara will get in touch with you to discuss!